Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Psychologic factors and Stress Concentration

Stress may be a fact in our lives, but how we deal with stress can determine how we cope with stress. 

Someone's reaction to stress individual, depending on factors such as the meaning of psychologic stress applied to the hand. For example, the condition of pregnancy which is the significant events in the life of a marriage is very much determined by how much passion these two couples will be the attendance of children so that the stress of pregnancy would be negative if both partners do not have enough desire to have children, of course. 

However, stress has become very positive when faced by a marriage partner who already has a child of many hopes. Other psychological factors also play a role in stress becomes easier to make is how to force a person problem solving, personal violence, optimism, social support they have received. 

Problem solving style 

What are we doing when we face difficult issues? Which style of solution that matches our personal? 

Pretending there is no problem is someone in the style of problem solving in a way to escape from reality / problem. Running away from problems is the emotion-laden style of the settlement, by ignoring the existence of stress, do not occur as stress or get out of situations that cause stress. 

Thus, a person feels that he does not deal with that stress. Of course, this style does not make that person out of the problem, but precisely the same mental condition of people affected by serious illness, but did not try to get these drugs to cure the illness. 

In a style that focuses on problem resolution, one would naturally look at the stress faced and then trying to find the best way to cope with the stress of her illness. They can modify the reaction to the stress so that a gradual decrease levels of stress being stressed that no longer provide a serious threat to him. 

Both types of fundamental forces in the settlement of problems that can be applied in the way of people facing the disease. 

If someone rejects the reality of the illness, variations in behavior as a result of such refusal is as follows:

? Failed to recognize the symptoms of the disease is actually very serious consequences, 

? Minimize the negative emotions caused by illness  

? Ignoring information about the illness threatens.

Neglect of the illness is very dangerous to our health, especially when those attitudes lead us to not adhere to recommended medical care doctors. 

There are research results that show that people who have a force settlement by refusing to face reality, such as trying not to think and talk about her illness, it shows a progressive improvement of the disease when evaluated more than people who get a direct confrontation about her illness. (Eping, et.al, 1994). 

As with any effort to ignore the disease, rejection of the reality of the disease will be followed by non-compliance with the rules of the recommended treatment of the treating physician. This is of course worsen the health condition of patients. Rejection of the fact suffer from a disease can also affect the emotional distress caused increasing damage imunologic function. 

So, why do we not choose the style that centers on problem resolution so that we can overcome the disease that we suffer with the results as optimal as possible for the recovery of our own physical health? 

(Source: http://cetak.kompas.com)




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