Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Privacy Guidelines on Facebook

Privacy is built from several basic idea: You must take control over what you share. Search of friends and businesses to connect must remain easy to do. Your privacy setting must be simple and easily understood.
On Facebook, there are three basic levels of privacy: Friends, Friends of the People, All People. You also have a set of public information, which helps you find your friends and connect with your: Name, Picture Profiles, Gender, and every connection you make. This includes friends, network, and the page that you select to be linked. Also, you can always control who can view your connection profile.

Facebook Privacy Policy
You can read our complete Privacy Policy here. How others see your. If you're curious how friends view your profile, or what information can be viewed by anyone. We offer suggestions for three levels of privacy settings on privacy: Friends, Friends of Friends, and All People.
We recommend that each person can see the information that will allow my friends to find, identify and learn about you. This includes basic information such as your About Me description and your Web site, as well as the default setting for posts that you make, such as photo albums and update status.
Remember, any information which can be viewed by the All People can be viewed by anyone on the Internet. That information will be seen by everyone who sees your profile, and websites and applications that you use the Facebook Platform will be able to access it. In addition, information may be visible in search engines or through an RSS feed.
Some more personal information, we recommend that Friends of Friends who can see that kind of info. This includes setting Birthday, Political Views and Religion, as well as Photos and Videos I, ie all the photos and videos where you marked. We recommend that your contact information, such as cellular phone numbers and email addresses, only be disclosed to a Friend.

Understanding your settings

Privacy Settings page is organized into the following sections:
Personal Information and additions include personal details such as date of birth and political trends, as well as your content and the content of other people who have been sent to your walls. You control who can view each type of information.
Contact information includes contact information details such as email address and telephone number. We recommend that you allow only friends can see it.
People, Signs, and Connections includes information and content that is shared between you and other people on Facebook. This includes relationships (shared between you and the person in a relationship with you), interests, and pictures of your mark. This setting allows you to control anyone who see this information on your actual profile. However, there is the possibility of this information appears in another place unless you remove yourself from your profile. For example, people will be able to see that you are linked to a page if he was in the page itself, and your relationships with others may appear on that person's profile.
Application and Web Site includes information on what is available for applications used by you and your friends.
Search allows you to control public search listing is made for you. You can also control who can view your information in the Facebook search.
Blocked list that allows you to identify precisely the people you want to prevent to interact with you on Facebook.
Protecting your privacy
We are committed to protecting children under the age of using Facebook. Until they reach the age of eighteen years, kids profile information will be limited only to the Friends of Friends and Networking.

Hold the control every time you share
You can choose privacy settings for each shipment made. You either upload an image or update the status, you control exactly who can see it when you make it. Every time you share something, look for the padlock icon. If clicked, the icons that bring the menu to choose who can view your submissions, from Friends, to the Friends of Friends, to All People.

Editing your settings
Privacy Page is designed to allow you to edit the settings. Any changes you make will be effective immediately. You can choose the level of privacy or choose to customize your privacy. For example, you may have the information you want to just see the family. You can do this easily, by making a list of Friends of Friends page and selecting "Change Settings " whenever you set your privacy. (Source:

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